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Heartstrings ch1/p1 - Mare meets mare



And so it starts.

This is the very first time I draw ponies, let alone digitally, using only a mouse... Also, I'm not an artist, so don't expect visual wonders. :P
I'm here to tell a tale (on my own clumsy way), a tale about two hearts finding each other, a tale about love, friendship, secret pony organizations, inter-universal traveling, saving the world over and over again. So mostly the usual stuff. Lyra and Bonbon were always in the background, while the camera was mainly focusing on the mane 6, but the background ponies also took their part in saving the day. How? Stay tuned, and you'll see.

Next page: [link]

Also, note: This comic was/is made primarily for mature audience, even though there are no NSFW scenes in it, non-graphic violence and possibly frightening scenes can (and do) occur (even though very, very rarely). That being said, the general atmosphere of the comic is supposed to be a cheerful love-comedy, with drama elements. Hope you'll still enjoy it! ;)

MLP:FiM is owned by Hasbro and :iconfyre-flye:, please don't sue me.
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1063x4999px 505.27 KB
© 2012 - 2024 TriteBristle
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ColgateWorld's avatar
Welp, time to read this again. This comic used to be such a big part of my childhood